Your future:


By fundamentally redesigning the entrance examination system,
we propose a completely new 'lifelong education model' to
universities and students around the world.


First, we ask you to discard the preconception of university admissions that you have in your mind.

The admissions process is, in essence, a set of unique life events where students shape their futures through their own will and choices.

TAO aims to fundamentally rethink the traditional concept of entrance exams.
By utilizing patented AI technology from the SAMADHI Group, we seek to bring about a change that redefines the conventional wisdom of entrance exams.

When the aspirations of universities and the hopes of examinees meet and resonate within TAO, admissions process in Japan will step into a new stage.

The possibilities are infinite.

Together with everyone demanding admissions reform, the “TAO Innovation” is now beginning.

We have added many additional features to improve the experience of the admissions process for both schools and applicants.

Simplify the complexity of COE application in one go!

You can now create the necessary documents for the COE application digitally. TAO combines the information entered by the applicant and the university, converting and outputting it into the format required by the Ministry of Justice.

Upload videos!

You can now create applications that allow the upload of MP4 videos. The file size limit is up to 50MB, and we plan to expand this in the future. (fee separate)

Create applications for multiple departments and faculties simultaneously!

You can now create a single application for multiple departments and faculties. Additionally, you can register combinations of faculties where multiple applications are not allowed and display the specific requirements for each department selected by the applicants.

We are conducting additional development
to reflect feedback from universities.



Revolution happens when changes come together.

The Admissions Office is a consortium-based system that enables all aspects of web-based admissions.

By enabling educational institutions to manage the entire admissions operations in one place, TAO reduces the administrative burden, expands the choices of schools for students, and reduces the burden related to entrance exam applications.

The Admissions Office is a cloud and consortium-based system, so its effectiveness increases as more schools participate.



Collaboration can open doors to the future.

Many universities around the world already use consortium-based systems to manage all aspects of admissions operations.

However, no such system exists yet in Asia.

We launched The Admissions Office as an Asian version of the global standard consortium system to expand the possibilities for admissions and education in Japan and Asia.


Because TAO is an evolving admissions platform, it has the following benefits.

  • Easy recruitment of both domestic and international applicants.

    Easy recruitment of both domestic and international applicants.

    TAO is a Japanese-English language application system with an intuitive UI that enables both domestic and international students to easily complete the application process. Universities typically experience an increase in applications after implementing TAO.

  • Create forms freely in multiple languages

    Create forms freely in multiple languages

    You can easily create forms for a wide variety of documents, such as applicant information, application essays and recommendation forms, in either Japanese or English. All the functions required for application submission are available, including character limits, half-width and full-width input limits, file upload, and payment of examination fees.

  • Speed up operations and reduce costs

    Speed up operations and reduce costs

    As admissions officers can create the recruitment forms themselves, they can avoid the cycle of repeatedly having to ask vendors to make corrections, which leads to high development and maintenance costs. Furthermore, all admissions operations can be centralized in TAO, greatly reducing the workload.

Applicants from all over the world use TAO.

At present, users from 196 countries (all countries recognized by Japan) access TAO.

Top 30 countries (regions) by number of users

1: Japan, 2: China, 3: United States, 4: Korea, 5: Indonesia, 6: Taiwan, 7: India, 8: Thailand, 9: Singapore, 10: Hong Kong, 11: France, 12: United Kingdom, 13: Canada, 14: Vietnam, 15: Netherlands, 16: Philipines, 17: Pakistan, 18: Bangladesh, 19: Finland, 20: Malaysia, 21: Germany, 22: Myanmar, 23: Australia, 24: Uzbekistan, 25: Monglia, 26: Nigeria, 27: Kenya, 28: Austria, 29: Mexico, 30: Sri Lanka

The top 30 countries with the most users include the USA, and countries in Europe and Africa, as well as Asia.

Percentage of users by region

Japan: 58.3%, Asia: 26.3%, North Ameriaca: 7%, Europe: 5.4%, Other: 3%

Japan has the highest proportion by region at around 60%, followed by Asia excluding Japan, North America and Europe.

There are actual cases where the number of applicants has increased after implementation of TAO which has access from all over the world.

Case 1
Univ A

English-only degree program

English-only degree program, open to Japanese and non-Japanese students

After implementation

Number of applicants
up 30%

Case 2
Univ B

Newly established course

Admitted students through TAO from the first year

Within 3 years from

Number of applicants
up 3.75 times


About The Admissions Office

Read an overview of the TAO system,
which was created based on feedback from admissions officers.

Read more


Universities throughout Japan have implemented TAO.

View list of users